Dr. Anastasia Baxarova, ISO Benessere vice president interviewed about the decision to join StonePay payement system

ISO Benessere® join StonePay® payement system

Dr. Anastasia Baxarova, Vice President of ISO Benessere®, was interviewed by Dr. Irene Torselli of Branding Italia about our decision to join the Stonepay® payment system.

Irene Torselli: "Welcome, Anastasia! ISO Benessere® has also decided to join the StonePay® platform. Could you explain the reasons behind ISO Benessere decision to embrace StonePay®? Are you the first in your industry to do so?"


Dr. Anastasia Baxarova: "Certainly, Irene. We chose to embrace StonePay® because we believe that deferred payments are essential for conducting business in the modern world, especially in our industry. We are manufacturers of wellness equipment, urban furnishings, solariums, and cosmetics. Our industry is very dynamic, and we need modern tools to support our business transactions. Traditionally, this payment method has been handled through often centralized channels or perceived as governmental, or through old methods based on long-term customer knowledge and word of mouth. While recognizing the merits of traditional models, they often face challenges related to business changes, generational shifts, or corporate transitions, in addition to changes in business dynamics: all of which are insufficient today. In this context, StonePay® stands out as a true revolution, returning power and responsibility directly into the hands of entrepreneurs. Now we can manage our credit promptly and independently, earning a score for each payment made, much like on TripAdvisor for reviews. This score is a credit identity card, always available and shareable."


Irene Torselli: "It seems that StonePay® is indeed a turning point in the world of corporate payments. How do you think this system can influence the business landscape in your industry?"


Dr. Anastasia Baxarova: "Undoubtedly, StonePay® is the future for building corporate reputation and opening new business opportunities with countries and economic operators that were difficult to reach in the past. When a potential customer informs us that they use StonePay® it represents a green light, a positive message that opens new relationships. We hope that StonePay® can become a standard not only for businesses but also for governments and industrial sectors. Through StonePay® it is possible to share one's credit score without having to rely on intermediaries who hold and manage the data. Maintaining control of your data is crucial, especially considering that many companies today make corporate rating their main asset."


Irene Torselli: "You mentioned the extensive global presence of ISO Benessere®. How has StonePay® been able to adapt to the needs of a company operating in 75 countries worldwide like yours?"


Dr. Anastasia Baxarova: " StonePay® has shown great flexibility and inclusivity. The platform allows us to extend credit to those countries and customers who have built an authentic reputation through word of mouth, confirmed directly by the people themselves through StonePay® Its user-friendliness is a real strength, allowing anyone to register in a few minutes and become part of a community based on 'positive sentiment'. StonePay® promotes inclusion, facilitating access to the business world for countries facing socio-political instability or in development, providing real-time data. You can share your credit score with other users at any time. Today, on the other hand, you have to pay to access this information."


Irene Torselli: "Is there anything else you would like to add about StonePay®"?


Dr. Anastasia Baxarova: "We enthusiastically invite all our suppliers and customers to register on StonePay® and contribute to the adoption of this new credit evaluation method, based on real data from concrete companies and individuals, rather than outdated financial criteria. StonePay® offers the opportunity to obtain credit for all business expenses, not just for loans or leasing. This allows for a new profile on credit behaviors."


Irene Torselli: "Thank you, Anastasia, for providing us with this valuable information and for sharing your perspective on the transformation in the world of corporate payments. We are confident that our readers now have a clearer understanding of StonePay®"


ISO Benessere USA by ISO Benessere® S.r.l.
4037 Clark Rd, Sarasota, FL 34233, United States of America
Mail: usa@isobenessere.com Phone: +1 305-204-7363


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