Latest News and Updates from ISO Benessere USA

Welcome to the section dedicated to the latest news and updates from ISO Benessere USA. Here you will find informative articles, insights, and updates regarding our products and services in the professional wellness industry.

We are committed to providing our clients and partners with the most recent and relevant information to help them stay ahead of the curve in the industry. From launching new products and services to updating on the latest innovative technologies in the wellness field, our goal is to keep you informed and inspired.

Our range of products and services is designed to meet the needs of wellness professionals, including spas, resorts, hotels, beauty centers, and architects. We continue to innovate and adapt our offerings to ensure that you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the industry.

Don't miss out on staying informed about our latest news and updates. Keep following our "News" page for all the latest information from ISO Benessere USA.

ISO Benessere join Stonepay

ISO Benessere join StonePay

Dr. Anastasia Baxarova, Vice President of ISO Benessere®, was interviewed by Dr. Irene Torselli of Branding Italia about our decision to join StonePay payement system.

Unlocking the power of sound: the science behind vibro-acoustic massage

Unlocking the power of sound: the science behind Vibro-Acoustic Massage

In the ever-evolving landscape of wellness, the integration of cutting-edge technologies has become paramount to enhancing the holistic experience.

Experience winter wellness with the Himalayan Salt bed

Experience Winter Wellness: Himalayan Salt Beds by ISO Benessere USA

Discover unparalleled winter wellness with ISO Benessere USA's Himalayan salt beds. Embrace comfort, detoxification, and skin nourishment in...


ISO Benessere USA by ISO Benessere® S.r.l.
4037 Clark Rd, Sarasota, FL 34233, United States of America
Mail: Phone: +1 305-204-7363


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